When you have a document that needs to be uploaded into iDoc, the first step is to save the completed document on your computer or on our network. Most documents Adobe (.pdf) format.
All documents must be uploaded so that the top of the document is at the top and the bottom of the document will display at the bottom. If it is scanned in with the file rotated in some way, please correct it before uploading to iDoc. See the article for instructions on how to rotate a pdf document in Adobe. |
1. Name and save the document in a temporary location.
The proper naming convention is:
Property Number Property Name Description of Document YYYY MM- DD
2. Log into iDoc, https://idoc6.realpage.com using Chrome
3. In your My Tasks, click the New File button if you are uploading a single document.
Click Add File button to add a document
Click Add File or Drag and Drop your files to the indicated location
Add the title of the document using the proper naming convention (under the _-_ section)
Select the appropriate classifiers on the right-hand side (make sure Attributes is selected)
Once all classifier fields are selected, click either “Send to Library” or “Send to Approval” depending on your publisher status.
Multiple File Uploads (Bulk Upload):
• Click the “MY BOX” button under FILES on the Left menu
• Drag and Drop your files to the indicated location
• Once the files are loaded, select the menu bar checkbox. This will check the checkbox next to each file.
• Select the arrow dropdown menu
• Click on “File 1 for Each.”
• NOTE: Clicking on “File 1 For Each” will upload all documents in the Bulk
Upload to one, single file.
• The files that were selected are now on your main
workspace, My TASKS. Go back to My Tasks by clicking the cup icon left.